Milford store unknowingly sold $200K in counterfeit sneakers

Milford store unknowingly sold 0K in counterfeit sneakers

MILFORD A downtown shoe store is offering refunds after it unknowingly sold hundreds of pairs of counterfeit shoes and other items last year, authorities said.

Management at Family Sneaker House, 161 Main St., has cooperated with a Milford police investigation and is trying to make things right, police Lt. Kevin O’Loughlin told the Daily News.

“He (store owner) was trying to do the right thing and purchased the wrong things,” O’Loughlin said. “It sounds like he fell in with the wrong people and ordered things that he didn’t know weren’t real. His store is now open, and he’s stocked with real items. He’s going to have a business now that will have legitimate products.”

Some of the counterfeit sneakers Family Sneaker House in Milford were sellling, police allege. The items have been seized and destroyed.

Police began an investigation last year after receiving tips from several people who purchased shoes at the store.

“They purchased some shoes and they thought the items were counterfeit,” O’Loughlin said. “They were correct.”

‘Involved in a small way’:Dept. of Homeland Security honors four Milford police officers


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